Due to its relatively long time, the currency will have historical traces because of its circulation, custody, and improper storage. In order to achieve a graded rating standard, even if major rating companies have separate coins into the box, they will be cleared before entering the box. . Of course, some coins look more obvious, and some coins look like they don't have traces, making people feel more comfortable.
Therefore, learning to identify coins that are in good condition, even without cleaning, is a must for collectors. Generally speaking, there will be “no water” or “drip not touched” in the line, which refers to the state of nature, the currency that is barely cleared. This type of currency, whether it is XF or MS, is usually light and tastes good, and the visual effects are naturally comfortable. It has always been a favourite among collectors.
For beginners, picking a MS-grade, real-state coin is not difficult. In Ta's opinion, since it is MS-grade, the luminosity is good and the appearance is good. Even if there is difference, it will be on the score. Reflected. Although there are some reasons, for a veteran player, it is obviously not enough to just stay at the stage of watching the currency.
This post puts aside the innate factors of “Zhou Zheng” and “deep play” and only says the acquired state of the coin. An old coin that has reached the "drip not touched" will not necessarily be even, but it will be very natural; when the coin surface is rotated, the luminosity is very consistent and there is no fault, or frost effect, or smooth and delicate; the floor is very fine powder, preserved In very good condition, the word is full of words.
Of course, before mastering these ideas, novices should still use their hands and hands to gain experience. Take the initiative to see more, think more, and ask when necessary, but don't be afraid to open your mouth to ask. It is easy to find the answer and there is no technical problem. It will be annoying to ask for a long time. The acquisition of knowledge has always been a process of taking initiative, thinking, and precipitation.