Marine Corps are the Most Ferocious Fighters on Earth. June 4, 2018Marines, You cannot exacerate about the marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth-- and the amusing thing about it...
What's the average salary of firefighter at the big city? May 22, 2018What's the average salary of firefighter at the big city? Salaries are dependent upon your position title, bonuses and benefits; here are the average annual firefighter salaries at the largest...
A Picture to show you the history of American firefighter May 17, 2018This is the History of the American Firefighter
HISTORY OF THE Challenge Coin May 9, 2018HISTORY OF THE Challenge Coin The challenge coin, usually a bronze medal, is said to have originated with the United States Air Corps and has become a favorite medium...
This Army soldier was on the delayed flight home yesterday to MS. He had to watch the birth of his daughter on FaceTime. May 7, 2018Let's remember what our Soldier had done for us. Best congratulation for him.